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shows:lasagne [2018/04/23 14:27]
lily [Vikings]
shows:lasagne [2018/06/25 13:39] (current)
lily [Vikings]
Line 20: Line 20:
   * **Judge Anjury** - [[member: Hannah Snell|Hannah]] //“never ever”// [[member: Hannah Snell|Snell]] //​(Balliol)//​   * **Judge Anjury** - [[member: Hannah Snell|Hannah]] //“never ever”// [[member: Hannah Snell|Snell]] //​(Balliol)//​
   * **Laith** - Laith //"​amazing"//​ Dilaimi   * **Laith** - Laith //"​amazing"//​ Dilaimi
-  * **Lawyer** - [[member: Felicity White|Felicity]] //“he’s not that big”// [[member: Felicity White-White]] //​(Merton)//​+  * **Lawyer** - [[member: Felicity White|Felicity]] //“he’s not that big”// [[member: Felicity White|White]] //​(Merton)//​
   * **Old Crone** - [[member: Perry Hartland-Asbury|Perry]] //“very rude”// [[member: Perry Hartland-Asbury|Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Mansfield)//​   * **Old Crone** - [[member: Perry Hartland-Asbury|Perry]] //“very rude”// [[member: Perry Hartland-Asbury|Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Mansfield)//​
   * **Passenger 23** - Nina //"​it'​s just not cricket"//​ Mikita   * **Passenger 23** - Nina //"​it'​s just not cricket"//​ Mikita
Line 32: Line 32:
   * **Harald Webmail** - [[member: Tom Perkins|Tom]] //“it was a bloody salmon”// [[member: Tom Perkins|Perkins]] //(New)//   * **Harald Webmail** - [[member: Tom Perkins|Tom]] //“it was a bloody salmon”// [[member: Tom Perkins|Perkins]] //(New)//
   * **Lars** - [[member: Mariel Harrison|Mariel]] //“Packed lunch”// [[member: Mariel Harrison|Harrison]] //(St Hilda'​s)//​   * **Lars** - [[member: Mariel Harrison|Mariel]] //“Packed lunch”// [[member: Mariel Harrison|Harrison]] //(St Hilda'​s)//​
-  * **Olaf Slastslaffslongest** - [[member: Mike Bagshaw:Mike]] //“By Odin’s Beard”// [[member: Mike Bagshaw|Bagshaw]] //​(Mansfield)//​+  * **Olaf Slastslaffslongest** - [[member: Mike Bagshaw|Mike]] //“By Odin’s Beard”// [[member: Mike Bagshaw|Bagshaw]] //​(Mansfield)//​
   * **Magnus** - [[member: Matthew Williams|Matthew]] //“I licked it”// [[member: Matthew Williams|Williams]] //​(mansfield)//​   * **Magnus** - [[member: Matthew Williams|Matthew]] //“I licked it”// [[member: Matthew Williams|Williams]] //​(mansfield)//​
   * **Sven** - [[member: Duncan Coutts|Duncan]] //“never outpunned”//​ [[member: Duncan Coutts|Coutts]] //​(Worcester)//​   * **Sven** - [[member: Duncan Coutts|Duncan]] //“never outpunned”//​ [[member: Duncan Coutts|Coutts]] //​(Worcester)//​
Line 39: Line 39:
 ==== Henchmen ==== ==== Henchmen ====
-  * **Part** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Shady Bloke 1** - [[member:​Sasha McKenna|Sasha]] ​//“eat science punks”// [[member:​Sasha McKenna|McKenna]] //(St Hildas)// 
 +  * **Dodgy Chap 2** - Catherine //​“Eh?​”//​ Offord 
 +  * **Crafty Fellow 3** - Lotty //“Not even a mother could love that hat”// Spurrell 
 +  * **Rum Cove 4** - [[member:​Fabby Styles|Fabby]] //“eyes of a hawk”// [[member:​Fabby Styles|Styles]] //(Oriel)//
 ===== Production ===== ===== Production =====
 +  * **Director** - [[member:​Perry Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Mansfield)//​
 +  * **Producer** - Liina Pihel
 +  * **Printing Credit** - [[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)//
 ===== Script and Programme ===== ===== Script and Programme =====
 ===== Flosscars Wins ===== ===== Flosscars Wins =====
 +|**Best Prop**|The physics guns|
 +|**The "Tom Reynolds"​ Award for most Spurious Accent**|[[member:​Sasha McKenna]] //(St Hildas)//, Catherine Offord, Lotty Spurrell and [[member:​Fabby Styles]] //(Oriel)// for Cypher'​s Henches|
 ===== Flosscars Nominations ===== ===== Flosscars Nominations =====
 +|**Best Bad Guy/​Villain**|[[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// for Dr Lou Cypher|
 +|**Best Double Act/​Couple**|[[member:​Tzveta Pokrovska]] //​(Queen'​s)//​ and Tom Wade for Jack and Cat|
 +|**Best Director**|[[member:​Perry Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Mansfield)//​|
 +|**Best Writer**|[[member:​Tom Perkins]] //(New)//|
 +|**The "Tom Reynolds"​ Award for most Spurious Accent**|[[member:​Rory Morrison]] //​(Mansfield)//​ for Capitaine of the RMS Proportions \\ [[member:​Mike Bagshaw]] //​(Mansfield)//​ for Olaf Slatstafflongest|
 +|**Best Impersonation of an Animal**|Phil Scott (Oxon) for his Bat disguise \\ [[member:​Sally Outen]] //​(Ex-Worcester)//​ for Polar Bear \\ Cassie the Tiger for the Tiger|
 +|**Best Special Effect**|[[member:​Thomas Woolley]] //(St Johns)//, [[member:​Marcus Garner-Hatcher]] //​(Lincoln)//,​ [[member:​Matthew Williams]] //​(mansfield)//​ and [[member:​Mike Bagshaw]] //​(Mansfield)//​ for flying through the air kung-fu kick \\ [[member:​Mariel Harrison]] //(St Hilda'​s)//​ for successfully melting/​moulting|
 +|**The "Sally Outen" Award for Most Gloriously Surreal Moment**|[[member:​Tom Perkins]] //(New)// for the whole script|
 +|**Most Bizarre Stage Direction**|[[member:​Tom Perkins]] //(New)// for "​moulting"​|
 {{topic>​lasagne +song list&​nodesc&​nouser&​nodate}} {{topic>​lasagne +song list&​nodesc&​nouser&​nodate}}
 {{tag>​show}} {{tag>​show}}
shows/lasagne.1524493625.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/23 14:27 by lily