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shows:intrepid [2018/04/15 11:47]
lily [Group 1]
shows:intrepid [2020/07/12 20:32] (current)
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-====== Intrepid (Term2018) ======+====== Intrepid(Hilary2015) ======
 {{ :​shows:​intrepid.jpeg?​200 |intrepid poster}} {{ :​shows:​intrepid.jpeg?​200 |intrepid poster}}
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 +//This term the OULES turn their inexhaustible comic enthusiasm onto the subject of EXPLORERS! Travel back with us to the golden age of exploration (also natty headgear and facial hair), and accompany our weird, wonderful and be-waistcoated adventurers as they all seek the greatest prize of all, the legendary Gem of Kukundu! There will be puns, there will be songs, there may even be the occasional meta gag.//
 ===== Cast ===== ===== Cast =====
-==== Group 1 ==== +  ​* **Dr Ferguson** - [[member: Jasper Rose Russell |Jasper Rose]] ​//“That bush was a dick”// ​ [[member: Jasper Rose Russell|Russell]] //(Merton)//  
- +  * **Helena Carmichael** - [[member: Maria Stroyakovski|Maria]] ​//“Strange and admittedly frightening”//​ [[member: Maria Stroyakovski|Stroyakovski]] //(Keble)//  
-  ​* **Dr Ferguson** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Dr Hopkins** - [[member: Maria Mateescu|Maria]] //“Oh Myyy!”// [[member: Maria Mateescu|Mateescu]] ​//(Magdalen)//  
-  * **Helena Carmichael** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Captain Anthony Strapping** - [[member: James Bruce|James]] ​//“Manly Chest Hair”// [[member: James Bruce|Bruce]] //(Corpus Christi)//  
-  * **Dr Hopkins** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Gilbert** - [[member: Sebastian Fox|Sebastian]] ​//“How big can a rainforest be?”// [[member: Sebastian Fox|Fox]] //​(Mansfield)//  
-  * **Captain Anthony Strapping** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Sullivan** - [[member: Emma New|Emma]] //“Sounds feasible enough”// [[member: Emma New|New]] ​//(St Hildas)//  
-  * **Gilbert** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Professor Nigel Hawcroft** - [[member: Elena Harty|Elena]] ​//“a lot of free time on their hands”// [[member: Elena Harty|Harty]] //​(ex-Magdalen)//  
-  * **Sullivan** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Victor Francoise** - [[member: Brigitte Stenhouse|Brigitte]] //“I like shiny things”// [[member: Brigitte Stenhouse|Stenhouse]] ​//(Somerville)//  
-  * **Professor Nigel Hawcroft** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Mary** - Emma //“Do you like my impression”// Parkin ​ 
-  * **Victor Francoise** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Terri** - Lauren ​//“preferences one way or another regarding marmite”// Maly  
-  * **Mary** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Barry** - Karel //“whatever he is carrying is worth more than he is”// Lenc  
-  * **Terri** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Watson** - [[member: Benjamin Kybett|Benjamin]] ​//“Drop-kicked a box of orphaned puppies”//​ [[member: Benjamin Kybett|Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)//  
-  * **Barry** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Bertram** - [[member: Luke Cozens|Luke]] //“The Suspension of Disbelief”//​ [[member: Luke Cozens|Cozens]] ​//(LMH)//  
-  * **Watson** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Lord Carmichael** - [[member: Adrian Clayton|Adrian]] ​//“Racy French Photography”//​ [[member: Adrian Clayton|Clayton]] //(Hertford (Graduated))//  
-  * **Bertram** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Spritzworthy** - [[member: James Marsden|James]] //​“Don'​t remember any of this”// [[member: James Marsden|Marsden]] ​//(Corpus)//  
-  * **Lord Carmichael** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Harriet Carmichael** - [[member: Tristan Cresswell|Tristan]] ​//“Wish for something bigger”// [[member: Tristan Cresswell|Cresswell]] 
-  * **Spritzworthy** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Pip** - Oliver ​//“Bought from the orphange”//  ​Ellerton ​ 
-  * **Harriet Carmichael** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Holliday** - Rhiannon ​//“My shoes!”// Main  
-  * **Pip** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Burton** - [[member: Katie Moore|Katie]] //​“Antagonising effort”// [[member: Katie Moore|Moore]] ​//(Magdalen)//  
-  * **Holliday** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Dr Johnson** - Yvonne ​//“Small prick”// Diep  
-  * **Burton** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Nathaniel** - [[member: Patrick Kidger|Patrick]] ​//“Poppycock and Balderdash”//​ [[member: Patrick Kidger|Kidger]] //​(Magdalen)//  
-  * **Dr Johnson** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Hepburn** - [[member: Ana Pagu|Ana]] //“Won the ocelottery”//​ [[member: Ana Pagu|Pagu]] ​//(St. Edmund Hall)//  
-  * **Nathaniel** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Jack** - Emma //“I'm off to have my ass studded with rhinestones”// Parkin ​ 
-  * **Hepburn** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Goldilocks** - Yvonne ​//“don'​t commit low-level felonies”// Diep  
-  * **Jack** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **The Genie** - [[member: Judith Moore|Judith]] ​//“The Boob Genie”// [[member: Judith Moore|Moore]] //(Balliol)//  
-  * **Goldilocks** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **The Real Genie** - [[member: Anna Spearing-Ewyn|Anna]] ​//“headed somewhere sunny”// [[member: Anna Spearing-Ewyn|Spearing-Ewyn]] //(St. John's College)// 
-  * **The Genie** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +  * **Pantomime Ocelot** - Tom //“Which Wild Cat Wrote Firefly? Jossalot”// Marshall
-  * **The Real Genie** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +
-  * **Pantomime Ocelot** - Actor //"​Quote"​// +
 ===== Production ===== ===== Production =====
 +  * **Written by** - [[member:​Connor Warden|Connor]] //“Oh No it isn'​t”//​ [[member:​Connor Warden|Warden]] //(St Edmund Hall)//
 +  * **Additional Material by** - [[member:​Benjamin Kybett|Benjamin]] //“Oh Yes it is”// [[member:​Benjamin Kybett|Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)//​ and [[member:​Efi Gauthier|Efi]] //“Rory save me!”// [[member:​Efi Gauthier|Gauthier]] //(St Hugh'​s)//​
 +  * **Director** - [[member:​Efi Gauthier|Efi]] //“like this but better”// [[member:​Efi Gauthier|Gauthier]] //(St Hugh'​s)//​
 +  * **Assistant Director** - [[member:​Judith Moore|Judith]] //​“Sea-train”//​ [[member:​Judith Moore|Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​
 +  * **Producer** - [[member:​Elena Harty|Elena]] //​“Poster!”//​ [[member:​Elena Harty|Harty]] //​(ex-Magdalen)//​
 +  * **Musical Director** - [[member:​Perry Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Ex-Mansfield)//​ and [[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)//
 +  * **Technical Director** - [[member:​Richard Owen|Richard]] //​“pilly”//​ [[member:​Richard Owen|Owen]] //​(Ex-Lincoln)//​
 ===== Songs ===== ===== Songs =====
 +  * **At the Theatre** - [[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// and [[member:​Perry Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Ex-Mansfield)//​ 
 +  * **That’s how Explorers get their Thrills** - [[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// and Peter New 
 +  * **I Like Shiny Things** - Peter New and [[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// 
 +  * **Lost in the Jungle** - [[member:​Sebastian Fox]] //​(Mansfield)//​ and [[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// 
 +  * **Final Song** - [[member:​Maria Mateescu]] //​(Magdalen)//,​ [[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// and [[member:​Perry Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Ex-Mansfield)//​
 ===== Script and Programme ===== ===== Script and Programme =====
 +{{ :​shows:​intrepid_script.pdf |}}
 ===== Flosscars Wins ===== ===== Flosscars Wins =====
 +| **Best Bad Guy/​Villain** |[[member:​Brigitte Stenhouse]] //​(Somerville)//​ for Victor Francoise|
 +| **Most Spurious Accent** |[[member:​Brigitte Stenhouse]] //​(Somerville)//​ for Victor Francoise|
 +| **Best Directing Team** |[[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(St Hugh'​s)//​ and [[member:​Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​|
 +| **Best Song** |[[member:​Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// and Peter New for I like Shiny Things|
 +| **Best Costume** |The Ocelot|
 +| **Best Prop** |The portrait of Lord Carmichael|
 +| **Best Ad Lib** |Rhiannon Main and [[member:​Katie Moore]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for While being chased by the Ocelot: "​Quick,​ it can't follow us upstairs."​ "​THAT'​S DALEKS"​|
 +| **Best Quote (during a show)** |Sullivan: "Tee Tee Tee Bagging"​|
 ===== Flosscars Nominations ===== ===== Flosscars Nominations =====
 +|Best Hero|[[member:​James Bruce]] //(Corpus Christi)// for Captain Strapping|
 +|Best Double Act/​Couple|[[member:​ Benjamin Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)//​ and [[member: Luke Cozens]] //(LMH)// for Bertram and Watson \\ [[member: Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// and [[member: Sebastian Fox]] //​(Mansfield)//​ for Gilbert and Sullivan|
 +|Best Portrayal of a Member of a Different Gender|[[member:​ Maria Mateescu]] //​(Magdalen)//​ for Dr Hopkins \\ [[member: Brigitte Stenhouse]] //​(Somerville)//​ for Victor Francoise|
 +|Best Writer|[[member:​ Connor Warden]] //(St Edmund Hall)//, [[member: Benjamin Kybett]] //​(Magdalen)//​ and [[member:​Efi Gauthier]] //(St Hugh'​s)//​|
 +|Best Song|[[member:​ Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// and [[member: Perry Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Ex-Mansfield)//​ for At the Theatre \\ Sir Hubert Parry, William Blake, [[member: Emma New]] //(St Hildas)//, [[member: Maria Mateescu]] //​(Magdalen)//​ and [[member: Perry Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Ex-Mansfield)//​ for Final Song (i.e. Jerusalem) \\ [[member: Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// and [[member: Sebastian Fox]] //​(Mansfield)//​ for Lost in the Jungle \\ [[member: Emma New]] //(St Hildas)// and Peter New for That's how explorers get their thrills|
 +|Best Prop|All the maps \\ The Gem of Kukundu |
 +|Best cock-up during a performance|[[member:​ Brigitte Stenhouse]] //​(Somerville)//​ for bowing excessively|
 +|Best cock-up backstage or during a rehearsal|[[member:​ Judith Moore]] //​(Balliol)//​ for "I AM THE BOOB GENIE!"​ \\ [[member: James Marsden]] //​(Corpus)//​ for Curtain malfunctions|
 +|Best Ad Lib|[[member:​James Bruce]] //(Corpus Christi)// for "Does she even realise how many buttons I've undone?"​ \\ [[member: Adrian Clayton]] //(Hertford (Graduated))//​ for Attempting to will bacon into existence \\ [[member: Perry Hartland-Asbury]] //​(Ex-Mansfield)//​ for Confusing Luke with showtunes|
 +|Best Quote (during a show)|Lord Carmichael: "And if I know my daughter....fornication"​|
 +|The "Ooh you luvvie"​ Award for actually being able to act|[[member:​ Luke Cozens]] //(LMH)// for Bertram \\ Tom Marshall for Flossie the Ocelot|
 {{topic>​intrepid +song list&​nodesc&​nouser&​nodate}} {{topic>​intrepid +song list&​nodesc&​nouser&​nodate}}
 {{tag>​show}} {{tag>​show}}
shows/intrepid.1523792861.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/15 11:47 by lily