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Laura Hankins

User Level : OULE
Colleges :

Family Tree




Michaelmas 2015Fairest of them AllRapunzel
Hilary 2016Let’s Steal the Crown JewelsKate
Michaelmas 2016Evil Stepmothers’ ClubHerald
Robin Hood

Flosscar Wins

2016•Best Costume for Rapunzel's Wig (Fairest of them All)

Flosscar Nominations

2016•Best Double Act / Couple for Princess Charming and Rapunzel (Fairest of them All)
•Best Best Prop for Kate's stool (Let’s Steal the Crown Jewels)
•Best Ad-Lib for 'It's not nice to mock people for being short' (Fairest of them All)
•Best Ad-Lib for 'I can see from the front row of the audience where they are all excited to the back row where they are all like 'well it's okay but they'd better not try to get me involved'' (Fairest of them All)