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WHODUNNIT? (Hilary, 2023)

Whodunnit? poster

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Eight guests. Many suspects. One dead body at the bottom of the stairs. Whodunnit? OULES makes a grab for Mousetrap fame in this unique (let’s call it that) murder mystery comedy. When Lord Harvington is found dead at the bottom of his staircase, it falls to one incompetent inspector and his beleaguered sidekick to crack the case. But red herrings are everywhere and the clues aren’t easy to solve. So, who did it? The squeaky-clean Goodys? The suspect Shadys? The Harvington children? Or someone completely left-field, like a police sergeant who confuses a walkie-talkie with a nose trimmer?


The Harvingtons

  • Lord Harvington - Uğur “I wanna be naked in a Disney+ show” Özcan (Jesus)
  • Lady Harvington - Elsie “Sexual deviancy - what ho!” Clark (St Anne's)
  • Minty Harvington - Libby “Capital punishment is completely fine” Alldread (Corpus Christi)
  • Binky Harvington - Macey “Get a blazer and then we can talk” Pattenden (Worcester)
  • Percy Harvington - Ali “Like the Jackson 5 but more talented” Witheford (Magdalen)
  • Charlie Harvington - Bíbor “What can I say I'm a bitch” Batki (St Hugh's)
  • Alex Heartswept - Chris “All children are isomorphic” Chang (St Anne's)

The Staff

The Guests

  • Angel Goody - Alysa “😇” Fitch (Keble)
  • Saint Goody - Federica “My cheeks hurt from smiling” Pescini (Magdalen)
  • Lucifer Shady - Paul Becsi “Not a big fan of balls” Becsi (Oriel)
  • Jezebel Shady - Mayia “I can't be funny on the spot” Kowalewski (Magdalen)
  • Dr Angus Bones - Kevin “Am I Scottish or am I a normal person?” Zheng (St Anne's)
  • Dr Andrew Bones - Warwick “My complaint is that I don't get to be a whore” Wagner (St Anne's)
  • Cuthbert Snooty - Heledd “Mm” Newton (LMH)
  • Joe Dullard - Peter “I can't wait for the scene where I'm tied up and gagged” Bachev (St Anne's)
  • Joe Dullard (Thu) - Fen “Spice is the spice of life” Brunt

The Police

  • Inspector Bumbleton - Sebastian “You are a very movable object” Morson (St Anne's)
  • Barney - Lily “Yes, but-” Massey (Pembroke)
  • Chief Manners - Freddie “The audience are simple people” Houlahan (Balliol)
  • Constable Goons - Alice “A measured response to workplace bullying” Yates (Trinity)
  • Sergeant Silly - Max “God's twinkiest soldier” Northcott (St Anne's)

The Reporters

  • Scoop - Em “Then we, as one, scuttle” Fawcett (Wadham)
  • Snoop - Fabian “Best dead body I've ever seen” Bourdeaux (St Anne's)



Script and Programme

Flosscars Wins

Flosscars Nominations

shows/whodunnit.1687891242.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/27 18:40 by max